Looking at the benefits of electronic employee files? Here are 3 simple steps on how to take HR paperless in 30 days.

Have you been considering switching away from paper in the HR department? Human Resources professionals are realizing big benefits by going digital.
These days, moving to electronic employee files and reducing paper in the HR office is easier than ever. Many companies can streamline the entire HR department in 30 days with a paperless filing solution.
Here are 3 simple steps to paperless HR:
1. Automate Paper File Conversion
Long gone are the days of a tedious, drawn-out scanning process. Now HR teams can use a paperless filing solution to scan entire folders directly to the cloud at once.
Scanning automation tools like barcode and batch processing work directly with the electronic filing system for a shortcut to digital. Now documents can be automatically filed in the correct location as they are scanned.
If your file room is overflowing with paper, you can also use a conversion company to do the initial scanning project for you.
2. Stop Producing Paper
Now that you have an electronic filing system in place, there’s no need to continue many pen-and-paper workflows.
Moving to online forms and e-signatures for traditionally paper-intensive processes like employee onboarding, handbook acknowledgements, and other forms can relieve HR of a majority of the paper produced in the HR office.
File audits can also typically be done completely electronically. Audit reports ensure employee folders are up-to-date with required documents, so HR is never scrambling to check compliance. When an auditor requests files, simply give them access to the files they request online.
3. Plan for Miscellaneous Paper
No matter how paperless you go, staff will still inevitably hand you paper documents. When you have a full in-basket of paper on your desk at the end of the week, you want to be sure there is an easy way to get that into your employees’ electronic folder.
Paperless filing solutions make it easy to scan a stack paper directly to the cloud. From there, you can quickly split the scan down into individual documents for different employees on your screen. The system will file them in the correct location, with all of your audit reports and access rules automatically applied.
Getting There in 30 Days
Ready to make the move to electronic employee files?
Contact DynaFile today to see how you can get there in 30 days. Our paperless filing solution has been helping streamline HR departments for over 15 years.
Contact us to see if it’s a good fit for your team.