How do Companies Keep Their HR Data from Being a Sitting Duck?

Strategies and Solutions to Shield Sensitive Employee Information from Threats.

How do companies keep their HR Data from being a Sitting Duck?

As an HR leader, you understand the critical nature of safeguarding employee data. From social security numbers to performance reviews, the security of sensitive information is not just a responsibility—it’s a necessity. However, legacy HR document management systems often fail to protect this data against today’s dynamic threat landscape.

The Risks of Outdated HR Document Management Systems

According to the IBM Cost of a Data Breach Report 2023, the global average cost of a data breach in 2023 was $4.45 million, 15% more than in 2020. But a data breach isn’t just about financial penalties; it can erode employee trust, damage your brand image, and hinder your ability to attract top talent.

Relying on outdated systems can expose your organization to significant risks:

  • Security Vulnerabilities: Hackers constantly target old systems that lack modern security features, putting your data at risk.
  • Compliance Challenges: Regulations like GDPR and CCPA demand stringent data security measures that outdated systems cannot provide, leading to potential fines and legal issues.
  • Operational Inefficiencies: Searching through old files or dealing with lost documents can drain productivity and divert resources from core HR functions.

The DynaFile Difference: Secure, Compliant, and Efficient HR Data Management

DynaFile isn’t just an upgrade; it’s a transformation in how your HR department manages data.

Here’s why DynaFile stands out:

Enhanced Security Features

  • Secure Cloud Storage: With DynaFile, your data is stored in secure, encrypted cloud storage, accessible from anywhere yet safe from unauthorized access.
  • Detailed User Activity Logs: Monitor who accessed which document and when, enhancing your security audits and internal controls.
  • Role-Based Access Control: Ensure that employees can only access the documents necessary for their roles, minimizing the risk of data leaks.

Integrations and Automation to Boost Compliance

  • Automated Compliance Tools: DynaFile adheres to SOC 2, GDPR, HIPAA, and more, effortlessly ensuring your document management meets regulatory standards.
  • Seamless System Integration: Sync DynaFile seamlessly with your existing HRIS, LMS, Payroll, and ATS systems, enhancing data accuracy and reducing redundancy.

Optimized Collaboration and Accessibility

  • Controlled Document Sharing: Share specific document pages with set expiration dates on links, keeping your shared information secure and focused.
  • Real-Time Collaboration: Allow teams to work on documents simultaneously, whether they are DynaFile users or not, promoting efficient cloud workflows without compromising security.

Indexed Filing System

  • Quick and Organized Access: DynaFile’s intuitive indexed filing system allows for rapid retrieval of documents, making your audit processes as smooth as possible and ensuring you always have quick access to the necessary documents.

Upgrade Your Security, Upgrade Your Peace of Mind

Don’t let outdated systems put your HR data at risk. With DynaFile, you can protect sensitive data, ensure compliance with the latest regulations, and improve operational efficiency. Be sure to underscore the need for security before a data breach. Choose DynaFile today and turn your HR department into a model of efficiency and safety.

Schedule a demo to learn more about how DynaFile meets and exceeds industry standards. Secure your HR data with DynaFile’s cutting-edge document management solutions and safeguard your organization’s future.